Save Liberty Hall

April 25, 2008

Liberty Hall is an icon of the Dublin sky. Catch it at sunrise or sunset and it glows evocatively over the river Liffey. It was an Architectural feat of its day, and still adds character to the Dublin horizon.

Reproduced with permission from

©F Lamouroux Reproduced with permission

Reproduced with permission by Felix Lamouroux

It is now to be demolished to make way for something slick and noughties, but many of us believe it could be refurbished and made pristine for half the cost. She was beautiful once, and could be again. Heaven knows, there are many, better, sixties candidates for the current building death squad

Reproduced with permission from

It has already been eloquently written about many times, so here is more info in

It’s a terrific building and while the ground floor isn’t much to write home about now, it could be again. Please don’t let them take away what little is left! If you like the building, think it adds to Dublin’s architectural heritage and is worthy of saving, please sign the petition HERE.



Scary First Post…

April 23, 2008

Well, they say that the first step is the hardest, or something, so here I am in front of the famous blank page and with fingers that seem to want to type something. It’s after 11pm and I don’t have to be up spectacularly early, so I don’t even have to feel guilty about being here.

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs recently, well, okay for a few days, and thought, ‘oh maybe I could do that!’ because of course the good writers make it look so easy. Hah! So what to write about? I’m not writing on techy stuff, so that’s out, it’s not a diary of what I do each day (because yeah, that would really keep the punters awake) so I think it will just be random bits and pieces of things that interest me, and a bit about me. A bit of a scrap book perhaps.

Here’s a tune to start us off that makes me smile, though I haven’t yet worked out how to play without opening a new page, or found a link to the whole song. Still, it’s worth buying. Slow Club: ‘Me and You’

First thing, and don’t be put off by this: I like cats. No, truthfully, I love cats. There will be more about them anon, though it’s not what this blog will (mostly) be about (that happens elsewhere).

Some big changes have been happening for me lately that are prompting me to want to write. Firstly, I’m coming out of a period of crap health, and it feels like coming into the light of energy after being in a tunnel. So things are looking different and my energy needs to go somewhere! And part of this has been the rediscovery of the joy of going to gigs! After many years of only listening to classical music, which I love, I’ve suddenly realised that there is still a whole big world of great bands out there ready to smack me in the face with their rhythm and energy.

For my birthday I got an iPod Touch. :o) (And a white chocolate duck. Poor duck.)

I heart my iTouch.

Since the end of March I’ve been to a load of gigs, certainly more than I’ve been to in the last twenty years altogether! And I’ve another six or so lined up for May – cool! I’m collecting bands I like on MySpace, and buying far more music than I can afford – and downloading podcasts by the dozen. For in-car it’s Phantom Radio which is responsible for many of my new discoveries. As the years, ahem, push on a bit, I’ve finally rediscovered that I LOVE dancing and I’m not bloody well going to stop now! So some of this might be about gigs & music, though some of that is blogged over in MySpace. I’m not sure about OpenID so I’ll keep that one separate for now. (Blog on that to come.)

I’ve been a fan of messageboards for years, but have just discovered twitter, blogging, and social networking in general. I want to find out more about web 2.0 which seems to crop up a lot.

But first, in the tradition of another blogger (sorry can’t remember) who started this, here are seven random things about me.

Turquoise is my colour of the moment
I hate coconut and cinnamon (bleurggh, food of satan)
I love chocolate (of course) and pesto, mmmmmm, but not together
I love the sound of oystercatchers and curlews
I like working out – which is a HUGE recent surprise to me
I get really cross at people walking into me in the street, and they’re lucky I don’t yell at them
I like the smell of rain on the earth

That’s enough to begin with I reckon. :o) Woohoo! First one done.

More anon.